Thevanesan, V.Fernando, A.T.P.G.Gamage, T.M.2012-01-102012-01-101992The Ceylon Journal of Medical Science35(1)pp.7-9 comparison between the standard agglutination test (SAT) by the conventional tube test and a slide agglutination method was carried out in 11 patients with a clinical and serological diagnosis of typhoid and 54 patients with nontyphoidal illnesses. 55perc. of patients in the first group had a negative O titre using the slide agglutination tets. There was a 73perc. discrepancy between the 2 tests in the O titre in the first group and 56perc. and 50perc. discrepancy in the 2nd and 3rd groups respectively. The H antibody titre gave more comparable results in the 2 tests. Further validation of the slide agglutination test is required before it is recommended for clinical practicePathologyLaboratory diagnosisClinical biochemistrySalmonella typhiMicrobiologyBacterial diseasesA preliminary report on comparison of tube and slide agglutination tests in the diagnosis of typhoidArticle