Kottegoda, S.R.2012-01-102012-01-101974The Ceylon Journal of Medical Science23(1/2)pp.1-5https://dl.nsf.gov.lk/handle/1/7162The Ceylon Hunting Spider, Poecilothermia casciata and the giant Ceylon Centipede, Scolopendra moristants are two arthropods of Sri Lanka which can cause poisonous effects in man. Pharmacologically active substances common to the venom of both were 5HT and histamine. The venom of the spider contained a neuromuscular stimulant. On the basis of these findings the treatment of envenomation is discussed.Medical SciencesPoisoningSpidersCentipedesPoecilothermia fasciataScolopendra moristansPharmacology of some arthropod venoms of Sri LankaArticle