Rajapakse, D.P.Mendis, M.H.Ganashan, P.2012-04-042012-04-041995Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Sciences)24(1)pp.1-5https://dl.nsf.gov.lk/handle/1/7566Leaf explants of innala (Solenostemon rotundifolius (Poir.)J.K.Morton) were cultured on media prepared with MS salts,organic constituenets of NN,sucrose (40g/IW/V)and growth regulators.NAA,2,4-D,BAP andKn were used as growth regulators. Callus formation and subsequent shoot regeneration from cultured explants were observed in the presence of 0.8-1.0 mg/I BAP in the medium. When low concentration (0.5mg/I) of NAA was present in the medium, a higher level(5-6mg/I) of BAP was required for induction of shoots. The frequency of callus formation or shoot regeneration in such was as high as 100.The regenerated shoots could be rooted in hormone-free MS medium and successfully established in soil.AgricultureTubersPlant growthAuxinsCytokininsTissue cultureInnalaPlant pathologyTissue culture of Innala (Solenostemon rotundifolius (POIR.) J.K.MORTON) High frequency plant regeneration from leaf examplesArticle