Perera, J.Witana, N.Seneviratne, H.R.2012-01-102012-01-101996The Ceylon Journal of Medical Science39(2)pp.69-73 a case control study of 426 unselected deliveries at the De Soysa Hospital for Women, 85(20perc.) infants had conjuctivitis. Chlamydia species and viruses were not detected. Staphylococcus aureus was the commonest pathogen isolated and was detected in 47perc. of cases. Klebsiella spp was isolate from 27perc. Pseudomonas spp. Streptococcus viridana and coliform isolation rates were not significantly different to that of controls, although significantly higher counts of bacteria were found in the cases. Therefore it would be more useful to the clinician if the laboratory report indicated the severity of infection. Only 51perc. of the isolates were sensitive to the conventionally use antibiotic, chloramphenicol. Treatment with salin washes appear to be sufficient in the first few days of the illness as there is spontaneous resolution of clinical appearence within 48-72 hr in a majority of patientsMedical SciencesOpthalmia neonatorumPathogenic sensitivityMicrobiologyOphthalmologyAntibiotic sensitivityStaphylococcus aureusKlebsiella spp.Newborn infant diseasesNeonatal conjunctivitis. aetiology, diagnosis and treatmentArticle