Performance of some RRIC 100 series clones under different soil moisture regimes

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Rubber Research Institute. Agalawatta


Results obtained on the performance of recently developed RRIC 100 series clones when sujected to water deficit situations are presented in this paper. The plant diameter of RRIC 121 and RRIC 102 was found to be superior to other clones tested such as RRIC 100, RRIC 110 and PB 86 even at the very low soil moisture level of 10% available water. Similar results were recorded in relation to plan height, number of whorls and relative growth rates of clones RRIC 121 and 102 even under low soil moisture conditions. Data obtained also showed that clones RRIC 102 and 121 had the highest plant nitrogen and potassium contents. Moreover, even under very low soil moisture levels plant P content was greater in clones RRIC 121 and 102. Most of the data on growth are also consistat with the physiological parameters such as leaf water protential (LWP) relative water content (RWC), transpiration rate (TR) and leaf diffusive resistance (LDR). It was further noted that the LWP and RWC were highest while TR was lowest in clone RRIC 102. Moreover, the clone RRIC 102 had the highest LDR compared to other clones, confirming the ability of this clone in maintaining a higher water holding capacity under low soil moisture conditions.



Agriculture, Rubber, Plant growth, Yield, Plant physiology


Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka72pp.49-61



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